Why Trading is not so important

Trading is not important
Traders may get surprise to read the heading “Trading is not important”
It is TRUE that trading is not important.
Why trading is not important?Trading is not important because trading is nothing but just placing the buy and sell order and this can be done by anyone who can read and write English language.
But which shares to buy, when to buy, at what price to buy and when to sell, all these knowledge is required before taking trading decision so we have mentioned trading is not important but rather which share to buy and sell is important.

A person who study and learn the share market and specific stock movement can only do the successful day trading.

The conclusion is buying and selling of shares is secondary while the primary action is to analyze and interpreting the share movement. Once you analyze and interpret the share then wait and watch how they are reacting and then take the trading decision.

So trading is mechanical activity which can be done by anyone having no experience and information about share market but the decision making knowledge of buying and selling of shares requires expertise.

So if you would like to gain experience then do paper trading practice before starting your actual day trading. And the second important factor is trader has to be always alert about market news and information which will help for trader to select stocks for trading.

Broadly speaking trading and especially day trading is misunderstood and taken as lightly.
In other words day trading is considered as the method to make huge money in single day by just clicking here and there. Just imagine if day trading would have been so simple then everyone would have become crorepati in Indian share market.

But in fact we get maximum emails mentioning that they have loosed money in day trading.

It is very much possible to make huge thousands of rupees in a day provided you have experience and expertise and not that if you new to share market and just by trying your luck.

For new comer it is important to learn and then earn.

Please also remember half knowledge is very dangerous.