Taking care of your money

First and very important is don’t take any loan for trading as this will pressurize to trade and make daily profits which is not possible in share market. In share market it is not possible to make daily profits and that also by taking any sort of pressure.
Taking care of Money is probably the most important aspect of trading. First, you need to determine how much capital you have to risk in share market. Then you must determine how much you will risk on each trade.

Most traders risk 1-3% of their trading account balance on each trade. This may sound low to the inexperienced trader, but it is recommended and highly advised to risky only appropriate amount in trading.

Generally we advice to do paper trading practice before actually risking your money and once you gain enough experience and confident and can gain money in paper trading then you can start trading very small amount and once you get success you can start  increasing the trading amount.