FII and Retail Investors

The following are few parameters for retail investors if they are following FII invested stocks.
Positives -  Institutional investors have dedicated and highly qualified research teams and typically pick stocks with growth potential ahead of smaller players.
 Large investors typically take a medium to long-term view on stock markets.
 Good for short term traders, who can participate in the extra liquidity created by entry or exit of FIIs.
Negative -  Can lead to a herd mentality and push up valuations. A retail investor might end up buying stocks, which are the current favourites of institutions and at the peak of their historical valuations.
 Global issues could force FIIs to sell local equities, regardless of fundamentals or growth prospects of companies.
 Financial goals of individual and institutions may not always same.
 Buying or selling by a fund could be a part of there hedging, diversification, trading or buy-and hold strategy. Retail investors may not be privy to this.
 The risk profile and investment horizon of big players may vary compared to retail investors